Monday, May 24, 2010

Did my boyfriend download porn? Need computer help.?

My fiance denies downloading porn. That isn't the big issue. The issue is if he is lying to me. Can someone computer savvy answer these questions?

If you go to the temporary files, there are porn pictures downloaded but they are nowhere else. He said they download themselves when we download other things.

We have a limewire account. There are two porn videos that were not successfully downloaded but they show up in the download window with progress as 0%.

Seems fishy to me. Trust me, I'm not against porn and I'm not an anti-sex nazi, I just caught him lying about something else recently and I'm starting to wonder if he ever has lied to me.

Did my boyfriend download porn? Need computer help.?
When you use limewire on a windows PC, it will, by default, create folders in your user profile (c:\documents and settings\your username) called "shared" and "incomplete". Files that are downloaded completely show up in shared, while files that are started but not finished will be inthe incomplete folder. To see these folders, you need to make sure you have Windows Explorer set to view hidden files and folders.
Reply:there are 3 options here:

1. Lime wire could have created false downloads (its possable I have had it happen thats how you get viruses from it) and thats how he got the porn downloads but it really doesn't cover the porn temp files unless he likes the those rather retarded joke sites that have links to port on them then it is possible that he didn't go to any of the pages

2. He's lieing to you.

3. a combo of 1 and 2.
Reply:He is totally lying to you. He downloaded it.

And like you stated before he lied to you about something else. That is how it starts.

Children do this. They lie to you and see how far they can push you. Then they lie again to see if they can push you a little farther.

It starts off with this. You say that you don’t care if he downloaded porn and I totally believe you. You just don’t like the lying. Because petty lying leads to deeper darker lying.

And I am very pretty internet savvy. It could have happened as he stated but the chances are very, very very, slim.

Well these seem to be very specific titles. He is totally looking at porn. He probably thought twice about downloading it, that is why it stayed at 0 percent and didn't think it was going to stay in the download log.

The answer you got from...darn I forget his name. The guy that states this is illegal is right! Sorry I had no idea what limewire or whatever was. Sorry!

Good luck to you
Reply:If there's porn on the temporary internet files folder then the page he was on had to have contained those pictures. 99.9% of the time there are porn pictures he's on a porn site. There's no denying the evidence you have. He just plain lied to your face. Now that is a much bigger issue for you to deal with. In the history folder the actual sites would be listed and most of the time a website will leave a cookie on your computer for the next time you visit. Look for those and that will be the definitive evidence to whether or not he is lying.
Reply:Nah, he's lying. It would be a very silly virus to frame someone for looking at porn. And those things don't happen by accident. I say confront him and (nicely) explain that while you're OK with it (if indeed you are OK with it) it's not alright to lie. Just talk to him.

Hope I helped.
Reply:Downloads in a temp file sometimes are there simply from viewing them from a site as some computers are set up to keep recently viewed pages.

Most men like porn, if he won't admit to it try giving him the benefit of the doubt - but use the search feature of your computer to check out all recently modified and-or created files - regularily - in the future - to see if he does do that - again...then you will have him red-handed.
Reply:I have never had it happen, but have downloaded what I thought were movies, such as underworld and turned out to be a porn video.
Reply:If yoy guys woukd stop stealing crap illlegally using Limewire , you might have a chance at a happy relitionship.

What you see on Limewire is not allways what you get...

Using Limewire, Kazza or ANY OTHER peer-to-peer (P2P) programs to illegally steal music, software and movies etc. without paying for it, is one of the leading causes of virus, trojan, and spyware infections. Many downloads using P2P file-sharing programs are loaded with malware


You will be downloading "stuff" from unknown stranger's computers while these strangers will be downloading some of your files from your computer at the same time. You do not download from any website.

It is amazing that people who would never accept and eat a sandwich from a stranger, don't think twice about downloading a file to their brand-new $2000.00 computer from a perfect stranger, who lives half-way around the World!

If you don't know the difference between a .wmp (good) file from a .wmf (potentially very bad) file or a .zip from a .pif, then stay away from Limewire, Kazaa, and all P2P programs. The same is true if you don't know the difference between a song that is 25kb in size from one that is 3 mb in size. The smaller one is probably a Trojan, just waiting for you to infect your computer with.

P2P file-sharing is no place for computer novices. Even experienced expert users get infected using P2P at times.

If you must use P2P, always scan every file you download with both your anti-virus and your anti-spyware before you open it.


And don't forget the legality issues.

Using Limewire or any other P2P file sharing program such as Kaaza or Bearshare, (free or paid) to share any copyrighted music, movies, software etc. in illegal in the USA.

It is fairly rare, but people do get sued and fined for using these P2P programs. Such as this 12 year old girl here:

Or this one from just a few weeks ago:

" Jammie Thomas makes $36,000 a year but says she's not looking for a handout to pay a $222,000 judgment after a jury decided she illegally shared music online and did it on purpose...Record labels have sued more than 26,000 people they accuse of sharing music online in violation of copyright laws."


More info:

Good luck. Hope you and your BF don't have to do no "time"...the guys say ...IT HURTS

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